Today our guest is an expert on love. He is here to talk about the power of love to heal our broken hearts, our broken relationships, and our broken world. Please welcome Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, of the Episcopal Church, to The Jennifer Hargrave Show. #bishopmichaelcurry #pb_curry #episcopalchurch #loveistheway #healingbrokenhearts #divorcerecovery #divorce
Presiding Bishop Curry’s bio:
The Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry is presiding bishop and primate of The Episcopal Church. At the church’s 78th General Convention in June 2015, he was elected to a nine-year term in this role and installed in November of that year; he serves as The Episcopal Church’s chief pastor, spokesperson, and president and chief executive officer.
Throughout his ministry, Bishop Curry has been a prophetic leader, particularly in the areas of racial reconciliation, climate change, evangelism, immigration policy, and marriage equality. The animating vision and message of his ministry is Jesus of Nazareth and his way of radical, sacrificial love, and he regularly reminds Episcopalians they are “the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement.”
Bishop Curry was ordained a priest in 1978 and served parishes in North Carolina, Ohio, and Maryland until his 2000 election as bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. He graduated with high honors from Hobart and Williams Smith Colleges and earned his Master of Divinity degree from Yale University. Bishop Curry is the author of five books and a regular guest on national and international media outlets. Bishop Curry delivered the sermon at the 2018 royal wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle.
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