Joe Atkinson is the visionary leading PwC through the evolution and next wave of the company’s digital transformation — and part of that transformation involves the Metaverse. As Vice Chair, Chief Products and Technology Officer, Joe clearly states, “The metaverse is
not a trend! It’s the reality of what’s coming to our online world.”
Just think! We will interact with others real time to socialize, get jobs, gain knowledge and expand our relationships worldwide.
While Metaverse is developing, Joe and his team are at the forefront of this tech explosion. Tune in as he explains what it is, what it will do for us, and how to use it. In his warm, conversational manner, you’ll be enlightened on the world of the Metaverse.
Tune in – Monday, 12:30PM Central.
Top Takeaways:
-Stay open to things that were NOT in your plan
-Surround yourself with smart people you can trust – even challengers
-Leaders are being watched and judged for their authenticity
-Hard knocks come. Have people around who will strengthen you
-Learn to pivot….and let it go
Call Valerie to learn how to level up your professional image – 1- 214-502-3334
Listen and watch Doing it Right the Stories that Make Us- https://bit.ly/2E483Hx
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