Trisha Clark Cunningham, President & CEO of N. Tx. Food Bank, reminds us that “hunger isn’t hidden anymore.” 40% of those in crises hunger are first timers receiving food. Texas has the 2nd highest number of people with food insecurity in the US – behind CA. Car lines are up to 2 miles long waiting to receive the more than 60,000 kits of food each week. A woman intent to be #1 in the car line, waited from 1:30AM until the food began distribution at 9AM.
The stories are heartfelt and humbling. Yet, Trisha shares the hope that is grounded in her determination to overachieve in food delivery for those in need.
Don’t miss hearing the stories of how the N. Tx. Food Bank’s innovation has been born from crises. Their processes, success and outcome will serve as a roadmap for others to follow in the future.
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