M2 The Rock with Colleen Michaelis (4.1.19)

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On March 26, 2019, the Dallas Morning News published a story titled, "How a drug-infested motel in northwest Dallas ‘ruined many, many lives’ in Coppell". Joining Michael Molthan for real talk on solutions to addiction, alcoholism, and unmanageable habits is Colleen Michaelis, who was interviewed for this story.

Colleen Michaelis lost her 24 year old son, Tommy McClenahan, to an accidental drug overdose on August 10, 2018. She believes that when bad or even tragic things happen in your life, they are an opportunity to help others. By telling her family’s story, she hopes to educate people about addiction…in particular opioids, bring awareness to the drug epidemic that is killing so many and help to end the stigma of addiction. Addiction has no zip code and although hers is an affluent suburb of Dallas, they have sadly witnessed a spike in opioid use and opioid related deaths. It is a subject that is often covered up or swept under the rug. She wants to address "the elephant in the room" in hopes of helping other families who are dealing with addiction or even prevent someone from heading down that road altogether.

M2 The Rock airs LIVE on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube weekdays at 12/noon CST and offers spiritual solutions to human problems. Listen on-demand via all major podcast platforms or watch past shows on Facebook and YouTube. To learn more visit www.M2TheRock.com.