Vernon Guillermo | CEO Money Episode 102

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Vernon Guillermo holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Masters in Engineering Manufacturing Systems with over twenty-five years of professional and global experience. He served as the Co-founder/CEO and COO of INT America, LLC, a Tier I Automotive Supplier of Decorative Tread Plates. Launched in 2007, INT developed into the premier North American market leader of Tread Plates. Vern will be transferring his broad knowledge of engineering, marketing and leadership to leading the AIS team.

AIS provides interoperable communications solutions that enable public and private organizations to achieve seamless connectivity, even in the most challenging environments. AIS and its products were born out of our own real-world need to rapidly re-establish critical business communications in the aftermath of a hurricane which crippled local infrastructure. With a deep understanding of communications technology, extensive operational experience, and a passionate commitment to supporting our customers, AIS is able to deliver best-in-class interoperable solutions.

AIS’ interoperable solutions combine hardware, software, mobile applications, and customer-tailored workflows. The result is interoperable systems connecting radio, cellular, satellite, hardline, and Wi-Fi for seamless, efficient, and secure communications between multiple parties/agencies. AIS delivers solutions; our engineers design each system to meet our customer’s most demanding and specific requirements.
AIS is a communications solutions company. In addition to interoperable communications, AIS offers a wide variety of specialty solutions. Specialty solutions may be standalone or part of an integrated and/or interoperable solutions package.

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