Kristin Morrison | CEO Money Episode 168

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Kristin Morrison is the Founder of Six-Figure Pet Business Academy, a program she started in 2010 for service-based pet business owners including pet sitters, dog walkers, dog trainers, pet groomers, and dog daycare owners. In 2012, Kristin became a certified “Best Year Yet” coach, and created Best Year Coaching, a company that helps individuals from all walks of life and professions, plan and achieve their dream life list, from their personal goals to their business goals.

Kristin grew up in Marin County, California. She launched a pet sitting and dog walking company in 1995, and it grew to be one of the largest pet care companies in California. During the 18 years that she owned her pet business, she hired over 250 pet sitters and dog walkers. When she sold the business in 2013, she had over 30 dog walkers and pet sitters and 4 managers on staff. Since 2000, Kristin has provided pet business coaching for thousands of pet sitters, dog walkers, and other service-based pet business owners from across the United States, Canada, UK, and Australia.

Kristin is the author of 5 books including, Six-Figure Pet Sitting, 30 Days to Start and Grow Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business, Six-Figure Pet Business, The Hiring Handbook for Pet Sitters and Dog Walkers and Prosperous Pet Business.

Kristin hosts a podcast called “Prosperous Pet Business,” which offers a holistic approach to business including working with the mind, body and spirit, in addition to discussing key business skills such as marketing, hiring and starting or growing a business. Through the podcast, Kristin helps listeners to better understand what it takes to grow and sustain a successful pet business.

Kristin lives in Northern California with her husband. She continues to provide coaching to her clients who aspire to create and grow their own pet businesses. In her spare time, she enjoys horseback riding, hiking, practicing hot yoga and writing her latest book, Recovery From Business Burnout (September 2020), which is written for all business owners looking to re-ignite their entrepreneurial spirit.

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Six-Figure Pet Business Academy™